Are you getting overwhelmed by the amount of baby things there are in the world? Do you feel like you don't know where to start with creating your baby registry or you're not sure you even want so many things? I have pared down to a simple guide to help you see what you really need to welcome a new baby.
1. A crib. Baby will need somewhere to sleep, whether that's a bassinet or a pack and play or crib. I recommend getting a crib to begin with because you can do naps in there, even if you're using a bassinet. This will make the transition to night time crib sleeping a lot easier. My favorite crib is the Sniglar Crib, from Ikea. I used it for both my babies. It is super simple and made of natural wood. Perfect for a minimalist, scandi inspired nursery. Plus it turns into a toddler bed when you're ready for that step.
2. Diapers. You can go disposable or cloth or a mix of the two, which is what I did. If someone else was watching my baby or we were going on a trip, I would typically go disposable. But mainly at home we did cloth. I used Bum Genius All In Ones mostly and had some insert diapers as well. If you can do cloth diapers or at least a hybrid of cloth and disposable it will really cut down your cost on diapers overall and it's better for the environment. I would recommend 20-25 cloth diapers to have on hand, that way you're not washing them every day.
3. Bottles. Whether you breast feed or not you will still want a few bottles around for travel or baby sitters. I chose glass bottles to reduce the plastic in our home, plus I felt like I was able to clean them better, they work great in the dishwasher. Glass bottles are super sturdy so you don't need to worry about them breaking. Most come with a sleeve that provides extra protection in case it falls.
4. A Pacifier. My girls only used pacifiers for a short amount of time, but it is a good thing to have on hand. I recommend any orthodontic shaped nipple so that you don't run into any dental issues later on. I love the look of the natural rubber pacifiers from Natursutton.
5. A few swaddles. Choose which ones you like and get 3-4. You will use these long after the baby stage. My girls use them as light blankies or for playing with their baby dolls. Of course I am partial to our swaddles. They're made from organic cotton right here in the US. We have three solid colors to choose from.
6. Something to set baby in. You will want something other than a crib to set baby down. Swings are popular and a good choice for comfort. If you are trying to save on space I really love the chic look of the LEVO rocker by Charlie Crane Paris.
7. Baby Carrier or Wrap. In addition to a car seat and stroller, a wrap is super helpful to have. This can be nice for keeping baby close while you move around the house or go for a walk. I am partial to the wraps because they hardly take up any space in your home and you can really get the fit right. These wraps from Cub Wrap are perfect!
8. A Baby Capsule Wardrobe. Lastly you will need baby clothes. To reduce the load of baby clothes that come and go I recommend buying or building a capsule wardrobe. You can read more about making a baby capsule wardrobe here. Our capsule wardrobes are already put together for you, providing a week's worth of outfits for your size and season. You will never run into the problem of not being able to match things or feel like your drawers are bursting at the seams. And best of all, you can recycle your capsule with us through our buy back program! Better for our babies and the Earth!
I hope this list is helpful for you if you are a minimalist parent like me! As long as babies have love and food and care- you will be ok! Let me know any of your must have essentials in the comments!